Wednesday, April 25, 2012

10 Day You Challenge!

Yesterday I found this awesome new blog called Getting it right @ 30 where she's participating in the 10 Day You Challenge! Since I'm starting over with this new blog I thought it might be a good way to get me back into the swing of things. 

Day One...1 Picture

This one is actually a hard one. I take so many pictures of my family and friends it's borderline ridiculous! lol. I just hate to actually BE in the pictures!

Cincinnati Ohio 2011

Even though this picture is about a year old and it's one that has my ex in it, it's still the first family vacation we had ever been on. Plus our best friends were with us on this trip. We had an amazing time visiting the Cincinnati Zoo and Magic Mountain. I have way more pictures than this but day one is only 1 picture...


Anonymous said...

I hate being in pictures as well. I'm not photogenic :)

Echo said...

I'm not even in a close ballpark to being photogenic!!! lol