It finally happened! Little Miss Riley has finally arrived! She was born Friday September 21st at 8:50am. She was 6 pounds 10.5 ounces and 18 inches long. Evidently she was as impatient as I was because I was actually scheduled to be induced on the 24th. I'm not complaining though!
She was definitely the easiest of my babies to get out. We went to the movies for our last night out. The movie started at 7:10. By 7:30 the contractions kicked in again. Within the first 45 minutes or so I had counted 15 strong contractions. At the point I gave up counting. We finished the movie and went home. I really wanted to make sure it was the real thing before we went to the hospital to get checked so I did everything I could think of. I drank a ton of water to make sure I wasn't dehydrated. I walked, I took a warm shower and I curled up in bed. Nothing was helping. So I told Josh he might as well get dressed. My thinking was that it was early enough still that we could go in, get checked, and if they sent me home he could still get some sleep before he had to get up at 4:30am for work.
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Mommy and Riley |
So we sign in to triage at 11pm. I was 4 cm dilated. So the nurse tells us to go walk in the hallway for an hour and then she would check again to see if any progress was being made. I lasted about 45 minutes before I couldn't walk so well anymore. She checked and I had made it to 5 cm. So she calls my doctor and I'm admitted! Yay! At this point I don't even care that I'm in pain I'm just super happy they didn't send me home and that my baby would soon be here.
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Daddy and Riley |
So at 1am they hooked up my IV and I got my much loved epidural. 5am my doctor broke my water and started pitocin cause I was still at 5 cm. At this point my contractions started getting was stronger and they had to up my epidural a little bit. Some of our plans didn't go exactly right so about 6:45 or so Josh had to run home to get Alexis. She's 14 and we promised her she could be there when the baby was born. We just didn't see the point in waking her up any earlier than we had to. The pain was pretty bad by then. Enough to make my eyes tear up a bit. I started texting Josh telling him he better hurry his ass up. Him and Lexi got back around 7:30 or 8 o'clock. When they were gone the nurse checked me again and I was at 7 cm. By 8:15ish I was at 10.
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Big sister Alexis and Riley |
So the doctor comes in and everybody is setting up, getting ready. Even though it was my 4th baby I was still pretty nervous about this part. Especially because of how huge I was. We were all expecting a big baby. So the nurse tells Josh to hold one leg while she holds the other and tells me to sit forward. As soon as I did though I was promptly told to STOP. Her head was already right there and the doctor wasn't even ready yet! He proceeds to tell me not to talk, laugh, push, cough ANYTHING! This just makes me want to laugh. So he finishes getting ready, I sit forward again, push once and there was Miss Riley! I guess she was more impatient than we thought. No problems, everything was perfect.
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Grandpa, Aunt Destiny and Riley |
We were only in the hospital for 24hrs after she was born since everything went so well. Everybody is just so in love with her already especially all 6 of her siblings and Daddy! And she has tons of honorary aunts and uncles who already want to spoil her. She will be a week old tomorrow and everything is still going great. We're a bit sleep deprived and my boobs hurt a bit from being an on call buffet, but we're happy. Josh has been amazing through all of this. I'm not used to being with somebody who is actually involved with things. He holds her and changes diapers and would feed her if he had the goods. He's so different from my other kids' Dad. It really is a relief to feel like I'm not alone this time. :)
This weekend when Anthony and Aiden are here I'm going to take a picture of all 7 of the kids together. Brady Bunch eat your heart out! lol
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