Welcome to my world! Sometimes it's funny, sometimes it's sad. Often it's frusterating and tiring. But it's also fulfilling and joyful. It's far from perfect, and occasionally dysfunctional. But it's my world and I love it!
Saturday, December 8, 2012
Help! Help! Help!
I need to make a decision. I have 2 blogs, this one and the original one I started Life After Kids. I had to stop writing there for a long time because of ex-hubby but now that we're officially divorced, I don't feel as restricted anymore. The problem is that I spent so much time and effort over the course of a year building that blog and now I have this one. I like both of them but really don't think I have enough to say to post on both of them. I don't know what to do or what the best way might be to combine them. Please, if anybody has any suggestions here, I'm more than willing to listen!!! HELP!!!!! :)
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Dropping the D word (Re-post)
How ironic is it that today I posted about finally being divorced and then I wandered over to my old blog and find this post written close to a year ago. I had to re-post it.
Well today I told hubby that I want a divorce. It went about as well as I expected it would which was with him saying he's going back to Ohio to file then. This time I'm a step ahead of him though. I already did file in Ohio. To which the courts answer is that neither of us are residents there anymore. So now I have to wait until I'm officially a resident here in Arizona. I think the whole thing is a bit ridiculous really. We moved here, put our daughter in school, changed our mailing address, everything, but aren't considered residents yet. But we still aren't residents in Ohio anymore either.
Anyways, hubby tried blowing a lot of smoke up my ass about going back to file. He must have done some checking though and got the same answers I did cause I actually didn't hear from him for a whole 2 or 3 hours. I think that might be a record for him! Seriously, no joke! So now he wants to go to counseling and all these things to work on our marriage. Where was this willingness to fix things when I suggested it all the times before? Does it only matter if it's his idea? Well he wasn't ready to change before so why the hell should I believe he's ready this time. It's always the same thing. The promises of "I'm going to do better." "This time will be different." "I get it this time." The lines go on and on. Usually, I fall for it hook line and sinker. I take him back and things are great for a little while. He works, he's kind and sensitive and actually helps with the kids instead of just coming in and falling asleep in the recliner, We talk and laugh and snuggle. But little by little everything always goes back to the way it was before. It never last. The only time he really becomes the man I want him and need him to be is when we separate and when we first get back together. Why? I just don't understand it. How can a man say how much he loves his family yet not do the things that a husband and father should be doing.
Well that just doesn't work for me anymore. I'm tired of the constant broken promises to me and the kids. And I'm tired of feeling alone even when he's there. Never again will I put up with that from him or anybody else. I love him for giving me my babies but I'm done being treated like I'm beneath him. I want a man who treats me as well as I treat him. Somebody who will be my husband, my partner, my best friend and my lover.
Free at Last!
After 10 years of off and on being together, and 5 long rocky years of marriage, I'm finally free! My divorce was final last Friday! I waited for this day for so long but it's still such a shock that I almost can't believe it's over. Josh went with me for the court hearing and the half hour leading up to going into the court room was actually very emotional. Luckily he's such an understanding man. I was very close to tears. Not because I was sad for our marriage to be over but just because it's the end of a major part of my life. I also really feel kind of bad for my ex-hubby. After his Grandparents passed away, the kids and I were pretty much all he had. But at the same time it's his own fault that he refused to do the things that needed to be done as a husband and a father. Even now his interaction with the kids is very minimal so really I don't know why I felt bad for him. But back to the point at hand, I'm finally free to get on with my life. I was awarded sole custody of our kids and he has supervised visitation at my discretion. I have no problem with him seeing them with me present but since he currently lives in another state, this makes me feel much better knowing that I don't have to send my young children 2100 miles away. Jordyn is beyond excited. She did a happy dance and said that I had to marry Josh the very next day! Wow kids adapt quickly! In the end though, I'll never regret our marriage. I got 3 wonderful children out of it and years of experience. Not to sound cliche but it really is true that whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Wicked Stepmother?
Have you ever stopped to think about the way fairy tales portray stepmothers? They're always wicked and want to kill their stepchildren. Cinderella's stepmother used her as a slave. Snow White's stepmother wanted her heart cut out. And Hansel and Gretel's wanted them lost in the woods. I happen to be a stepmother, well almost but that's another post, to three children and even on bad days I've never wanted to kill them or lose them in the woods. Or the desert in our case since we do live in Arizona. Yes there's days they get on my nerves but no more than my biological children do.
Lately disciplining them, especially the 14 and 13 year olds has been difficult. I feel like I'm in a very precarious spot. I'm not their birth mother and I'm not even married to their father yet. The 14 year old, Alexis lives with us and the 13 year old, Anthony is here on weekends. I don't want them to resent me but especially since I'm a stay at home mom, the bulk of the disciplining in our house falls to me.
They're both pretty good kids. Alexis has taken to me right from the get go. We're really close. There's not much if anything that she doesn't tell me. Half the time I know who she's dating even before her friends do. She's such a good kid that my biggest complaint with her is slacking on doing the dishes. She does them, but most of the time they're still dirty. She gets good grades, doesn't give me a lot of attitude, helps with her younger siblings, keeps me informed about where she's at and who she's with. So when I get mad at her over the slacking on her chore, I feel a bit like a wicked witch for having to get on to her about it. We were talking about this a few nights ago and she blew my mind. Her response to it all was that at least I was doing what a mom should do. Wow! She doesn't mind when I have to get onto her because I'm doing my job as a mother and she's being treated just like my other kids.
Then Anthony, who happens to be a very big mama's boy, did something over the weekend I don't remember now exactly what, that I had to correct him for. I figured he'd be kind of pissed at me. But a few minutes later he said that when his mom isn't around he'd kind of like to call me mom. Double wow! I was almost speechless. Alexis has been calling me mom for close to a year now but I never expected that from him. It really made me feel like I must be doing something right as a mother.
Friday, October 26, 2012
Words of Wisdom
This was my very first blog interview. My Guinea pigs? My then 7 year old daughter and 9 year old niece. Here's their words of wisdom.
Jordyn is up first.
What is your happiest memory?
When we went to the beach for the first time at Deer Creek.
Why do you like being a kid?
That's a hard question. Because I get spoiled by my Daddy and gets lots of toys.
One word to describe you would be _______.
What advice would you give your parents?
I'd give them advice on how to cast a fishing pole.
If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
The cat we had a long time ago because it was so soft and pretty and precious and very cuddly.
What do you like to do for fun?
Annoy my parents.
What is your favorite thing to do? Why?
When I write stories because they are fun. Sometimes I want to write a chapter book.
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
Play tag with them.
What do you love most about your siblings?
My baby sister is cute and cuddly and has a cute laugh.
With my brother playing hide and seek cops and robbers.
What was the nicest thing you did for someone?
When my friend at school got hurt I made them feel better. I kissed their boo boo and took them to the nurse.
What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now?
Getting a boyfriend
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it.
$17.10 to buy a Justin Beiber barbie
What do you think makes a person good-looking?
When you dress nice.
Name two things we should do as a family on the weekend.
Fishing at Deer Creek and Go to a fancy restaurant
What is the grossest thing you can think of?
Daddy pooping.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Now Alexis
What is your happiest memory?
Me and my Dad going to the movies.
Me and my Dad going to the movies.
Why do you like being a kid?
We don't have to pay bills.
One word to describe you would be _______.
What advice would you give your parents?
Don't ground the kids unless they did something bad that they've been told not to like a million times before.
If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?
Tiger. They are very fierce and beautiful.
What do you like to do for fun?
Swing on the tire swing.
What is your favorite thing to do? Why?
Play my DSI because there's a lot of things you can do on it.
What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?
Truth or Dare
What do you love most about your sibling?
He likes girl stuff just like me.
What was the nicest thing you did for someone?
Behave like an angel.
What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now?
Hoping my true love will propose.
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer?
What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it.
$20 so I could save up and buy a new game system or donate it to charity.
What do you think makes a person good-looking?
How they are. Not the outside, the inside.
Name two things we should do as a family on the weekend.
Go to a movie or go swimming.
What is the grossest thing you can think of?
Inside a body. That's nasty.
Wow, the difference that 2 years makes to a kids way of thinking! Hope you enjoyed my very first blog interview.
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
5 Things I've learned from my toddler
Good and bad, here are some things that I have learned from my toddler.
- The best part of going to the beach is eating the sand.
- Diapers CANNOT be pooped in unless they are fresh!
- There is no 5 second rule, if it's on the ground, it's fair game.
- Crying uncontrolably for 20 minutes or more will drive mommy berserk enough that she either gives in or walks outside until the tantrum is over.
- Even on the worse days, a smile, a kiss, and a big hug can make it all worth while!
Our Beginning
There are two phrases in our sixteen years of knowing each other that really stick out in my mind and in a way define our relationship. The first, spoken in the sarcastic and naive way of a thirteen year old girl. "Hi! Who the hell are you?" The second was spoken sixteen years later by a very determined man. "I meant what I said earlier. I'm never letting you go again." These two instances play over and over in my head just about every day. Would the second statement ever have happened if the first one had never been uttered?
We were thirteen and fifteen when we met. A mutual friend kept telling him that he had to meet me and eventually he dragged him over to my apartment to do just that. According to him, he was pretty much hooked right when those words left my mouth. Ever since then it's been me and him. Within a week or two he asked me out. I was in the pool with some friends when he asked me to come here. Naturally, there was no way my self conscious self was climbing out so I went over to the edge. He asked me out. I was thrilled but managed to very calmly say yes. I then proceeded to turn around and continue talking to my other friends. Lucky for me, he's always seemed amused by my personality and little quirks. Another boy may have been offended. Not him though. I will never forget how he leaned down and from the side of the pool, he wrapped his arms around me from behind and whispered "Thank you" in my ear. Thinking back on it I don't think I realized it then, but I'm pretty sure that was the moment he claimed my heart.
I didn't find out until later that I was his very first girlfriend. We dated off and on for a few years yet even when we weren't actually together, you wouldn't know it. Even if we were dating other people we still cuddled and talked and went places together. No matter what happened between us we always remained best friends. Nobody really ever understood our relationship. The biggest thing that people couldn't believe was that we were never sexual with each other, not even any real kisses. Even when we dated again after each of us had lost our virginity, we never went there. Not that the thoughts or opportunities weren't there, it just never seemed right. We were left alone constantly. My Dad loved him, he was always welcome in our home. No matter what time it was or even if I was grounded, Dad's answer to his knock at the door was the same, "Come on in."
When my step-mom came along she used to tell us that one day, one of us would move away (I did), we would marry other people and have kids (we both did), but that eventually we would end up together for good. She said that she would write this down and have it framed as our wedding present. That day is finally getting closer. Now this is where we might sound kind of backwards, especially if you don't know us or know much of our background.
Today I filed the next step in my divorce. I'll give you a moment to re-read that sentence...Remember before when I mentioned that we both married other people? Well after 10 years, 5 of those married, I'm finally getting my divorce. Now I have to start the paper work for Josh's divorce. I don't even know where to begin to explain the way my soon-to-be-ex-husband is. Although there were some good times, and I did get three wonderful children out of it, it was not a good match. I'll post some other posts from time to time from my blog I originally started to help explain some of that.
So now, almost 17 years and 7 kids later we're finally getting our chance. Don't worry, I'll post more later to help catch you up!
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Miss Riley Jean
It finally happened! Little Miss Riley has finally arrived! She was born Friday September 21st at 8:50am. She was 6 pounds 10.5 ounces and 18 inches long. Evidently she was as impatient as I was because I was actually scheduled to be induced on the 24th. I'm not complaining though!
She was definitely the easiest of my babies to get out. We went to the movies for our last night out. The movie started at 7:10. By 7:30 the contractions kicked in again. Within the first 45 minutes or so I had counted 15 strong contractions. At the point I gave up counting. We finished the movie and went home. I really wanted to make sure it was the real thing before we went to the hospital to get checked so I did everything I could think of. I drank a ton of water to make sure I wasn't dehydrated. I walked, I took a warm shower and I curled up in bed. Nothing was helping. So I told Josh he might as well get dressed. My thinking was that it was early enough still that we could go in, get checked, and if they sent me home he could still get some sleep before he had to get up at 4:30am for work.
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Mommy and Riley |
So we sign in to triage at 11pm. I was 4 cm dilated. So the nurse tells us to go walk in the hallway for an hour and then she would check again to see if any progress was being made. I lasted about 45 minutes before I couldn't walk so well anymore. She checked and I had made it to 5 cm. So she calls my doctor and I'm admitted! Yay! At this point I don't even care that I'm in pain I'm just super happy they didn't send me home and that my baby would soon be here.
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Daddy and Riley |
So at 1am they hooked up my IV and I got my much loved epidural. 5am my doctor broke my water and started pitocin cause I was still at 5 cm. At this point my contractions started getting was stronger and they had to up my epidural a little bit. Some of our plans didn't go exactly right so about 6:45 or so Josh had to run home to get Alexis. She's 14 and we promised her she could be there when the baby was born. We just didn't see the point in waking her up any earlier than we had to. The pain was pretty bad by then. Enough to make my eyes tear up a bit. I started texting Josh telling him he better hurry his ass up. Him and Lexi got back around 7:30 or 8 o'clock. When they were gone the nurse checked me again and I was at 7 cm. By 8:15ish I was at 10.
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Big sister Alexis and Riley |
So the doctor comes in and everybody is setting up, getting ready. Even though it was my 4th baby I was still pretty nervous about this part. Especially because of how huge I was. We were all expecting a big baby. So the nurse tells Josh to hold one leg while she holds the other and tells me to sit forward. As soon as I did though I was promptly told to STOP. Her head was already right there and the doctor wasn't even ready yet! He proceeds to tell me not to talk, laugh, push, cough ANYTHING! This just makes me want to laugh. So he finishes getting ready, I sit forward again, push once and there was Miss Riley! I guess she was more impatient than we thought. No problems, everything was perfect.
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Grandpa, Aunt Destiny and Riley |
We were only in the hospital for 24hrs after she was born since everything went so well. Everybody is just so in love with her already especially all 6 of her siblings and Daddy! And she has tons of honorary aunts and uncles who already want to spoil her. She will be a week old tomorrow and everything is still going great. We're a bit sleep deprived and my boobs hurt a bit from being an on call buffet, but we're happy. Josh has been amazing through all of this. I'm not used to being with somebody who is actually involved with things. He holds her and changes diapers and would feed her if he had the goods. He's so different from my other kids' Dad. It really is a relief to feel like I'm not alone this time. :)
This weekend when Anthony and Aiden are here I'm going to take a picture of all 7 of the kids together. Brady Bunch eat your heart out! lol
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Kids and yucky stuff
You'd think that since I haven't written in such a long time, that our lives must be pretty boring. Actually, it's just the opposite. Seems like there's always so much going on I just can't seem to form the words to explain it all. At the moment, there's two things I'm waiting on. First, for the members of my family, including myself, to stop having yucky things coming out of one end or the other. Especially the 2 and 4 year olds! And secondly, for this baby to get out of my body already! It feels like just yesterday that I was writing on here about being pregnant. Maybe it feels like that because I hardly write anymore? But now we're on the final countdown. I have 11 days left until I get induced! Yay, yay and triple yay! It feels like it's been 9 months of invasion of the body snatchers!
Ok, totally off subject, and I will do my best to explain this, but the word snatchers just reminded me of the word snatch, which in turn reminded me of my uncle and girl scout cookies! I can see the puzzled looks on your faces as I sit here and giggle. I don't remember all the particulars but me, my aunt and her brother were talking about girl scout cookies one day, especially our favorite ones, somoias. Seriously doubt I spelled that right but anyways. My uncle pipes up with how he has his own stash of them but instead of "stash" he says "snatch". The funniest part is how he stops and looking very confused ask "Did I just say I had my own snatch?" Omg my aunt and I laughed so hard at this! So now, years later, I occasionally have to ask him how his snatch is doing. I don't know, maybe you had to have been there but it was funny!
Ok, back on track now. I really am tired of this bug that's going around. Two nights ago I was up all night vomiting, not fun when you're 37 weeks pregnant. Then last night I was up all night with Hunter, the 4 year old, with diarrhea. It was bad enough that I put diapers back on him. The funny part was that he woke me up telling me he puked in his diaper! Then today, Holly, my 2 year old, has a touch of it too. Amazingly though other than the yucky butt, you'd never know either of them were sick. And they have both been driving me completely crazy all day. I was so grateful when Josh came home and suggested a movie tonight and just as grateful that we have an awesome room mate who is more than willing and capable of watching these two little poop machines. Normally I wouldn't even consider letting somebody else care for them when there's something wrong, but especially with the baby less than two weeks away, I desperately need the break. Ok, enough babbling for one day. The kitchen is calling for me to make dinner. Or maybe that's just impatient little children I hear. Oh well, either way I suppose it must be done.
Ok, totally off subject, and I will do my best to explain this, but the word snatchers just reminded me of the word snatch, which in turn reminded me of my uncle and girl scout cookies! I can see the puzzled looks on your faces as I sit here and giggle. I don't remember all the particulars but me, my aunt and her brother were talking about girl scout cookies one day, especially our favorite ones, somoias. Seriously doubt I spelled that right but anyways. My uncle pipes up with how he has his own stash of them but instead of "stash" he says "snatch". The funniest part is how he stops and looking very confused ask "Did I just say I had my own snatch?" Omg my aunt and I laughed so hard at this! So now, years later, I occasionally have to ask him how his snatch is doing. I don't know, maybe you had to have been there but it was funny!
Ok, back on track now. I really am tired of this bug that's going around. Two nights ago I was up all night vomiting, not fun when you're 37 weeks pregnant. Then last night I was up all night with Hunter, the 4 year old, with diarrhea. It was bad enough that I put diapers back on him. The funny part was that he woke me up telling me he puked in his diaper! Then today, Holly, my 2 year old, has a touch of it too. Amazingly though other than the yucky butt, you'd never know either of them were sick. And they have both been driving me completely crazy all day. I was so grateful when Josh came home and suggested a movie tonight and just as grateful that we have an awesome room mate who is more than willing and capable of watching these two little poop machines. Normally I wouldn't even consider letting somebody else care for them when there's something wrong, but especially with the baby less than two weeks away, I desperately need the break. Ok, enough babbling for one day. The kitchen is calling for me to make dinner. Or maybe that's just impatient little children I hear. Oh well, either way I suppose it must be done.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Crazy Life Catch Up!
To say that I've been missing from the blog world the last few months would be a huge understatement, so lets just not say it. Let's see if I can catch you all up on my crazy life....
For those of you who don't know, I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. Not planned but deeply loved none the less. This pregnancy has been so different from the other three. I blame it on Josh since this is our first together. Did I say first? I also mean last! lol. Between us, this will be our 7th child. To say our household is crazy and busy is another understatement. But it gets even crazier! We also have three roommates! There's Josh's cousin Nena, our friend Dani, who I believe I've mentioned before, and then we have Sir Echo. The interesting part here is that my name is also Echo! So yes, as I said before, our house is definitely CRAZY!
Ok, back to the pregnancy part since that consumes about 90% of my thoughts anymore. Like I said, I'm 29 weeks and I feel freaking huge. This is the biggest I've ever been before! The other day I discovered to my utter horror......stretch marks!!! (gasp) Seeing as how this is my fourth pregnancy some of you may be thinking I'm over reacting here but except for very light ones on the sides of my boobs, I never got stretch marks before. And these new enemies of mine are right on my belly. Hell, the only reason I even found them was because I caught a glimpse of them in the bathroom mirror seeing as how I can't even see the bottom of my stomach where they have made their new home. Yes, I got lucky with the other three so I really should stop my whining but I'm not going to. lol.
Next thing on the list of Josh's faults, the glucose test. Before this baby I only ever had to do the standard one hour test. Boy has that changed! Doctor told me I tested high on the one hour and sent me to do the three hour test, with four needle pokes! Have I mentioned how much I hate needles? So I go in to drink this super sugary nasty drink after not being allowed to eat or drink after midnight the night before and while I'm already nauseous from not being allowed to eat breakfast. Get poked the first time, manage to drink the crap, go back out to the waiting room to wait one hour and then be poked again...except right at the one hour mark, I threw it all up! So they continued doing the every hour blood work hoping that enough of it was still in my system. So it wasn't much of a surprise when the following week they called and said I needed to come back in. But for some reason they said I only had to redo the one hour test that I missed. Doesn't make much sense but ok, they're the professionals right. So I get there and they have no record that I was ever there other than the fact that the recognize me. So then they tell me that I have to redo the entire test! At this point I'm frustrated and disgusted with these people so I refused the test until I talked to my doctor. Here it is almost two weeks later and I'm going back tomorrow to take the nasty test again.
So next reason this pregnancy is a pain in the butt. Last week I had tons of braxton hicks contractions all week long! Some of them were pretty strong. Finally got past that, then little miss Riley, that's gonna be the baby's name, decided to suddenly slow down on her movements. Seriously freaked me out! She seems determined to be a pain in the butt already! lol. She's back to moving a bit more again so hopefully everything is back on track and fine again, except for the stupid glucose test that is.
Well, that's enough catch up for now. I really will try to write more often again. I really miss blogging. :)
For those of you who don't know, I'm currently 29 weeks pregnant with my fourth child. Not planned but deeply loved none the less. This pregnancy has been so different from the other three. I blame it on Josh since this is our first together. Did I say first? I also mean last! lol. Between us, this will be our 7th child. To say our household is crazy and busy is another understatement. But it gets even crazier! We also have three roommates! There's Josh's cousin Nena, our friend Dani, who I believe I've mentioned before, and then we have Sir Echo. The interesting part here is that my name is also Echo! So yes, as I said before, our house is definitely CRAZY!
Ok, back to the pregnancy part since that consumes about 90% of my thoughts anymore. Like I said, I'm 29 weeks and I feel freaking huge. This is the biggest I've ever been before! The other day I discovered to my utter horror......stretch marks!!! (gasp) Seeing as how this is my fourth pregnancy some of you may be thinking I'm over reacting here but except for very light ones on the sides of my boobs, I never got stretch marks before. And these new enemies of mine are right on my belly. Hell, the only reason I even found them was because I caught a glimpse of them in the bathroom mirror seeing as how I can't even see the bottom of my stomach where they have made their new home. Yes, I got lucky with the other three so I really should stop my whining but I'm not going to. lol.
Next thing on the list of Josh's faults, the glucose test. Before this baby I only ever had to do the standard one hour test. Boy has that changed! Doctor told me I tested high on the one hour and sent me to do the three hour test, with four needle pokes! Have I mentioned how much I hate needles? So I go in to drink this super sugary nasty drink after not being allowed to eat or drink after midnight the night before and while I'm already nauseous from not being allowed to eat breakfast. Get poked the first time, manage to drink the crap, go back out to the waiting room to wait one hour and then be poked again...except right at the one hour mark, I threw it all up! So they continued doing the every hour blood work hoping that enough of it was still in my system. So it wasn't much of a surprise when the following week they called and said I needed to come back in. But for some reason they said I only had to redo the one hour test that I missed. Doesn't make much sense but ok, they're the professionals right. So I get there and they have no record that I was ever there other than the fact that the recognize me. So then they tell me that I have to redo the entire test! At this point I'm frustrated and disgusted with these people so I refused the test until I talked to my doctor. Here it is almost two weeks later and I'm going back tomorrow to take the nasty test again.
So next reason this pregnancy is a pain in the butt. Last week I had tons of braxton hicks contractions all week long! Some of them were pretty strong. Finally got past that, then little miss Riley, that's gonna be the baby's name, decided to suddenly slow down on her movements. Seriously freaked me out! She seems determined to be a pain in the butt already! lol. She's back to moving a bit more again so hopefully everything is back on track and fine again, except for the stupid glucose test that is.
Well, that's enough catch up for now. I really will try to write more often again. I really miss blogging. :)
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Date night and insanity
Last night Josh and I snuck out for a date night. Usually we end up at the cheaper theaters, by my insistence, but there wasn't really much playing there that we wanted to see. So we decided that if we were going to spend twenty bucks on a movie we'd make it something we really wanted to see! What was that you ask? The Hunger Games! And it was awesome. Well worth the money. And we even took the plastic soda cup and popcorn bucket with us from another movie outing so that my popcorn obsession was cheap at least. And I always stash twizzlers in my purse for him. Shh don't tell. Little Miss Riley in my belly was kicking up a storm and making me have to pee but I managed to wait. Not easy during a two hour movie but I didn't want to miss anything. Afterwards we went out for dinner where my steak craving was thoroughly satisfied! All in all it was a very nice evening!
Although the weirdest thing did happened last night on the way home from dinner. All of a sudden my left arm and hand got all tingly. It was really strange because it had never happened before and it was out of the blue. I've never had anything like that happen before especially not during pregnancy. I don't know if it's related but during dinner my vision went all blurry. But I attributed that to my allergies. It was really bad for most of the meal. I couldn't hardly read the screen on my phone to send or receive text or even focus very well on the desert menu sitting on the table.
Then Miss Holly decided to wake me up all night for no apparent reason. I swear I think she was possessed last night. She might still be today too cause nap time is not going so well. Combine that with the way Hunter was acting yesterday and you have one very grumpy mommy. And getting grumpier by the minute! Is that finally silence I hear coming from their bedroom?! OMG I seriously hope so! Peace at last. I really hope they sleep and wake up in better moods before mommy loses her mind today! ;)
Monday, May 14, 2012
It's a....Girl!!!!!
Well the results are in and we are sooo happy! I had my 20 week ultrasound this morning and we're having a girl! Josh and I are thrilled!!! This is exactly what we've been wanting. Our little one's name will be Riley Jean. The first name just because I really really like it and the middle name after his Grandmother.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
10 Day You Challenge-3 Films
Day Three...3 films:
Without a doubt number one has to be Nicholas Sparks The Notebook!!!!!! I can never watch this movie enough times. This is the kind of overwhelming love everybody should have. Usually I prefer books over movies but with this movie I've seen it so many times that I haven't been able to make it through the book yet.
It's a little harder to pick just two for my other favorites. For number two I'm going to go with John Wayne's McClintock! I grew up watching this moviw with my Dad and it will forever be one of my favorites.
And coming in at number three is The Labyrinth. I know, another oldie huh? It's another one that I grew up watching with my Dad. I think it's a timeless family movie. We may just have to get it out for our next family movie night!
10 Day You Challenge-2 songs
I'm not doing very well on this 10 day challenge am I? Not completely my fault though. The weekend was crazy busy then Holly and I both ended up sick. Hers was mostly teething and shots, mine has been cough, fever, ackyness, all that yucky stuff. Today is a little better but still a bit tired and weak. But at least I can get back to the challenge.
Day Two...2 songs:
I love Nickelback and this song has got to be one of the most perfect love songs ever written! The only way to really listen to it is really loudly!
Josh picked song number two. Rodney Atkins Farmer's Daughter. We always get a kick out this song cause he changes the lyrics to "Landscaper's Daughter" because when we met my dad was a landscaper. Wow, that was sixteen years ago!
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
10 Day You Challenge!
Yesterday I found this awesome new blog called Getting it right @ 30 where she's participating in the 10 Day You Challenge! Since I'm starting over with this new blog I thought it might be a good way to get me back into the swing of things.
Day One...1 Picture
This one is actually a hard one. I take so many pictures of my family and friends it's borderline ridiculous! lol. I just hate to actually BE in the pictures!
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Cincinnati Ohio 2011 |
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
The Joys of Motherhood
"Your baby's skeleton is changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cord — her lifeline to the placenta — is growing stronger and thicker. Your baby weighs 5 ounces now (about as much as a turnip), and she's around 5 inches long from head to bottom. She can move her joints, and her sweat glands are starting to develop." From Babycenter.com
I'm up to 17 weeks on this pregnancy and I already feel huge! I know things happen faster with each pregnancy and this is my 4th one, but wow, this looks like a 5-6 month belly for my norm! My friends all tell me I'm still pretty small but since all of my other pregnancies were in a different state, my well meaning friends weren't around for the other three. I wish I had belly pics of the other pregnancies so I could compare them.
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Wow my bathroom mirror needs cleaned! lol |
On a positive note, my morning sickness is gone and the headaches are a little more bearable. I'm still pretty tired but then I do have four other kids to raise! That would tire anybody out! lol. Although, I can't take all the credit. J, father of the baby, and Dani, our awesome friend, roommate, and honorary Aunt to the kids, are both wonderfully great helps. They both really do help make things a bit easier on me.
Now, if I could just convince my two year old, Holly, to be a little less glued to my hip. I don't know if it's separation anxiety or something else. She does fine if she goes somewhere with J or Dani without me but when she's with me she's closer to me than my shadow. I love her to pieces and adore spending time with her, but she does get a little ridiculous at times. I can't go pee, sit alone, cook, clean, leave the room or anything without her. I know I need to do something to help her through this, especially with another baby on the way, I'm just not sure how to go about it. Hunter was 2 years old when I had Holly and while he definitely loves his Mama, he wasn't as glued to me as Holly is. It wasn't very difficult to help his adjust to his baby sister. Holly loves babies but I can see where breastfeeding the new baby might be a problem.
I remember after Holly was born, Hunter would sit next to me on the couch while I fed or just cuddled with Holly. He loved to rub her head and give her kisses! I actually taught him his colors sitting like that using the colored hearts on Holly's onsie. It was so cute! Sitting that same way we practiced drawing and recognizing shapes using one of those little toys where it has the magnetic pen attached and you slider the lever to erase it. They both love those toys and I can't remember what they are called!
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Hunter and Holly as a baby. |
Ahh, memory lane gets me every time. Now I just want to sit and snuggle with both little monster babies! On that note, here they come yelling at and tattling on each other! lol. The joys of motherhood!
Monday, April 23, 2012
Facebook posts that made me giggle!
I'm still, slowly, working on saving everything from my old blog so that I can dedicate some serious time to building this one. In the mean time I thought I would entertain you with a post from my archive.
This was so much fun! I'm going to have to do this kind of post more often. Some of these are mine and some of them are borrowed. If you recognize your own Facebook post on here, thank you. Hope they make you giggle too.
filling out Jordyn's paperwork for her eye doctor appointment later. Under occupation, do you think I could put "pain in my ass"? lol
You know it's not a good sign when Hunter walks in the room and for no reason says "Mommy, me and Holly are being good."
This day has just started and if I hear my kids tattle on each other for some stupid little thing, one more damn time, I'M GOING TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many days duct tape would be my first choice, but I've had to learn to use restraint! lol
Well as much as I love my quiet time, I'm almost too tired to think. But don't worry, you won't have to miss me for long. I'll be back and refreshed in the morning! lmao. Good Night all! :)
You know, I've noticed that one half of my fb profile looks like a family reunion and the other half looks like a high school reunion! lol
What a lunch time dilemma, I had to choose between soup or a Reese's cup, sigh, I was good this time and picked the soup. But I have a date later with the Reese's! lol
One day, while going to the store, I passed by a retirement home. On the front lawn were six old ladies lying naked on the grass. I thought this was a bit unusual, but continued on my way to the store. On my return trip, I passed the same retirement home with the same six old ladies lying naked on the lawn. I went inside to talk to the Home Administrator. 'Do you know there are six ladies lying naked on your front lawn?' 'They're retired prostitutes, and they're having a yard sale
You know it's going to be a long day when you have to fight with the coffee maker and the coffee maker wins;/
needs some nighttime, sniffling ,sneezing, coughing ,aching, stuffy head ,fever.... I can't feel my lips and I think I just peed the bed medicine
I think Facebook slogan should be"Helping people stay connected when the restraining order doesn't include the Internet:)
In case of emergency, exits can be located at the log out, delete, deactivate, hide, and block features. Thank you for flying with Facebook
A woman needs
a man who protects her,
a man who never lies,
a man who spoils her
and she needs to keep these men from finding out about each other
Had you running through my mind constantly...till I tripped your ass......
I really am quite normal. I swear! It's just the crazy little bitch inside me gets out to play a little too often.......now back to what i was doing I'm painting a blue square in the backyard, so google earth thinks I have a poo1!
Wife finds her husband up alone at night. She watches him wipe a tear from his eye. "What's the matter?" Husband says, "Do you remember 20 years ago when we were dating, and you were only 17?" The wife touched at him caring says "Yes, I do."You remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car and shoved a shotgun in my face and said, "Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years".I remember" she replies softly. He cries "I would have gotten out today!!" lol
i like to go up to random people at Wal-mart and say "oh hey i remember u, u were my friend in preschool...... its"hilarious to watch them play along
Astronaut Barbie for $19.95 and Divorced Barbie for $265.95. The amazed father asks:'It's what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?' The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: 'Sir.., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer, one of Ken's Friends, and a key chain made with Ken's balls.
Some people are as big a disappointment as a vibrator with dead batteries.........
WELCOME TO FACEBOOK... The place where people add you as a friend & walk past you in the street. Where relationships are perfect, affairs are started, & liars believe they are telling the truth. Your enemies visit your profile the most, yet your friends & family block you, & even though you write what you are really thinking, someone always takes it the wrong way, & people think your status is about them...
This was so much fun! I'm going to have to do this kind of post more often. Some of these are mine and some of them are borrowed. If you recognize your own Facebook post on here, thank you. Hope they make you giggle too.
filling out Jordyn's paperwork for her eye doctor appointment later. Under occupation, do you think I could put "pain in my ass"? lol
You know it's not a good sign when Hunter walks in the room and for no reason says "Mommy, me and Holly are being good."
This day has just started and if I hear my kids tattle on each other for some stupid little thing, one more damn time, I'M GOING TO SCREAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Many days duct tape would be my first choice, but I've had to learn to use restraint! lol
Well as much as I love my quiet time, I'm almost too tired to think. But don't worry, you won't have to miss me for long. I'll be back and refreshed in the morning! lmao. Good Night all! :)
You know, I've noticed that one half of my fb profile looks like a family reunion and the other half looks like a high school reunion! lol
What a lunch time dilemma, I had to choose between soup or a Reese's cup, sigh, I was good this time and picked the soup. But I have a date later with the Reese's! lol
One day, while going to the store, I passed by a retirement home. On the front lawn were six old ladies lying naked on the grass. I thought this was a bit unusual, but continued on my way to the store. On my return trip, I passed the same retirement home with the same six old ladies lying naked on the lawn. I went inside to talk to the Home Administrator. 'Do you know there are six ladies lying naked on your front lawn?' 'They're retired prostitutes, and they're having a yard sale
You know it's going to be a long day when you have to fight with the coffee maker and the coffee maker wins;/
needs some nighttime, sniffling ,sneezing, coughing ,aching, stuffy head ,fever.... I can't feel my lips and I think I just peed the bed medicine
I think Facebook slogan should be"Helping people stay connected when the restraining order doesn't include the Internet:)
In case of emergency, exits can be located at the log out, delete, deactivate, hide, and block features. Thank you for flying with Facebook
A woman needs
a man who protects her,
a man who never lies,
a man who spoils her
and she needs to keep these men from finding out about each other
Had you running through my mind constantly...till I tripped your ass......
I really am quite normal. I swear! It's just the crazy little bitch inside me gets out to play a little too often.......now back to what i was doing I'm painting a blue square in the backyard, so google earth thinks I have a poo1!
Wife finds her husband up alone at night. She watches him wipe a tear from his eye. "What's the matter?" Husband says, "Do you remember 20 years ago when we were dating, and you were only 17?" The wife touched at him caring says "Yes, I do."You remember when your father caught us in the back seat of my car and shoved a shotgun in my face and said, "Either you marry my daughter, or I will send you to jail for 20 years".I remember" she replies softly. He cries "I would have gotten out today!!" lol
i like to go up to random people at Wal-mart and say "oh hey i remember u, u were my friend in preschool...... its"hilarious to watch them play along
Astronaut Barbie for $19.95 and Divorced Barbie for $265.95. The amazed father asks:'It's what?! Why is the Divorced Barbie $265.95 and the others only $19.95?' The annoyed salesperson rolls her eyes, sighs, and answers: 'Sir.., Divorced Barbie comes with: Ken's Car, Ken's House, Ken's Boat, Ken's Furniture, Ken's Computer, one of Ken's Friends, and a key chain made with Ken's balls.
Some people are as big a disappointment as a vibrator with dead batteries.........
WELCOME TO FACEBOOK... The place where people add you as a friend & walk past you in the street. Where relationships are perfect, affairs are started, & liars believe they are telling the truth. Your enemies visit your profile the most, yet your friends & family block you, & even though you write what you are really thinking, someone always takes it the wrong way, & people think your status is about them...
Monday, April 2, 2012
Getting organized
It's taking me longer than I expected to save everything I've posted from my previous blog onto my computer so that I can delete that blog without losing all of my writing. I'm considering putting some of those past post on this new blog as well. I'm just not sure how I want to go about it. I think the worst part about all of this, is starting over. Following the same blogs all over again, in addition to new ones. Getting people to follow me as well. And honestly, I know my other blog was modest in comparison to others, but I worked hard on it and I was really proud and happy to watch my number of followers increase and the total page views. I feel like all the hard work of the past year is just being flushed down the toilet. I've thought a few times about just giving up all together but in the end that just lets "him" win by taking away something I really enjoy. So I guess I will just keep pushing on trying to get everything organized and hopefully get back to some decent writing.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Hi! Welcome to your first taste of My Crazy Life! Until recently I had a different blog but unfortunately, due to my hopefully soon-to-be ex hubby, I've had to do away with it. I got tired of having everything I say dissected and twisted around and having to be careful of every single thing I write. It made it to where I never wanted to even bother blogging. I'm sad to have to start over on blogging, I had just reached my 1 year blog anniversary and had many wonderful followers. I hope to meet many more new people on this next step in my writing journey.
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